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EMS Information
Airtraq Video Laryngoscope - Part 1
Airtraq Video Laryngoscope - Part 2
Patient Refusals
You do not need to patch on all refusals. The instances in which we do are:
ALS call refusals- you perform ALS skills such as administer Dextrose etc. You need to patch on these refusals.
Anytime Narcan is administered and the patient wants to refuse must be patched on.
If the patient was Tazered by PD and they want to refuse.
Anytime you feel uncomfortable about the refusal and want to transfer the liability to the hospital.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Doug Niemynski
EMS Chief Central Arizona Fire and Medical
Work: 928-759-6986
Cell: 928-713-7014
LifePak 15 Tricks
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